Lost both parents together

I lost my dad to cancer 1 month ago today and then sadly lost my mum to cancer 2 days later. I had cared for them both for 6 months when they started to get very sick and had come to terms with the fact that i would lose them, but i still wasn’t prepared for losing them both so close together. I feel lost and abandoned. I feel angry at everything and am struggling to get rid of this gloom hanging over me. They were both so weak in the end and it make me sad having the image of them like that in my head. Alrhough l’m glad I was with them both in the end…


My goodness, how absolutely devastating to lose both your parents so close together. I’m so sorry for your terrible losses. No matter how prepared you might have been, it’s still a massive trauma that you’ve suffered. You’ll need time to process such shock and grief. I hope you have some support around you but try not to feel the weight of any kind of expectation of how you should be feeling. Grief is a roller coaster of emotions that everyone responds to in their own way. Take care xx


I am sorry you have so much loss to cope with Remember they wouldn’t have wanted you to be unhappy They loved U Try to do things in the memory But live your life too Get professional help live yr life in their memory Think of them honour them but look after yourself that is what they wished Blessings be at peace

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I am so very sorry for what you’ve been through. I lost both my parents last year within 8 weeks and it has been nothing short of excruciating. Today is in fact the first anniversary of my Dad’s passing and has been such a difficult day. What you are going through is awful and i completely understand and empathise with you. Please ensure you reach out to loved ones whether that be family, friends or colleagues. I have found and still find to talk helps even just a little bit. I’m still even one year down the line very much hurting and have resigned myself to the fact I think it’s going to be like this for a very long time. I try to dual process my grief. By this I mean give time to think my thoughts and grieve whilst also trying to maintain a “normal” life. I am married with two grown up children and losing my mum and dad has blown my life apart. I very much compare it to your life being thrown up in the air like a million pieces of a jigsaw where you have to try to piece it all back together again but in doing so with great sadness and despair. Please take care of yourself and stick to one day at a time thinking as looking too far into a future without your mum and dad can feel very scary and lonely. Xx