Lost everything

I’m lost everything in the space of 12 months
It’s nearly 12 months since my soul mate of 30 years died. My sister in law died in April due to covid my dad is going though cancer treatment at the moment now I’m moving out of the home we lived in together . I’m having to down size so all his stuff has gone. I hadn’t ever opened his draws till I had to pack up it was so upsetting to bag up his stuff and take to charity shop. But a friend of mine has made a teddy and a cushion out of some of his clothes so I can still smell him on them . No matter where I am I know he’s with me and I have my memories no one can take them. It will be so hard to shut the door when I finally move and I know I’m not coming back. Have to think of it as another chapter of life. He always expected me to stay here so I hope I’m not letting him down.

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Hi Misprint,
I am so sorry you have had such an awful year, losing your husband is hard enough without losing your sister in law too. With the added worry of your dad having cancer treatment, and supporting both your mum and dad.
I can’t even imagine how you are feeling with having to move home. Sorting through your husband’s things is difficult enough without it being forced upon you.
I’m sure you husband would understand why you had to make the decision to downsize, and as you said nothing can take away all those wonderful memories you have of him.
Sending love and hope the future is a little kinder to you.
Debbie X