Lost husband 2 weeks sgo

Hi. I lost my husband just over 2 weeks ago, which has totally shattered my world. We had only been married for 4 years and together for 7, but they were the happiest of my life, and I know they were his. He went into hospital for an operation which went well, I saw him the day after, and then the following morning he went into cardiac arrest and died. He was 43, and also leaves behind his 17 year old son. Obviously I’m devastated, and what makes it worse is that he had a post mortem and they still do not know the cause of death, which is heart breaking, as I just want to know why he died. He didn’t have life insurance and having to sort out all the practical stuff has been emotional and exhausting. I’ve found some company’s are brilliant and others don’t know how to react or what to do, which adds to the stress. I’m currently staying at my parents, who have been my absolute rocks, as I can’t bare being in our home yet without him. I miss him so much I don’t know how to go on without him :broken_heart:


Im so sorry for your loss. My husband passed away in August last year. We were together almost 25 years, our 16th wedding anniversary was the day before his funeral. Have you used the “tell us once” service? It does help take away a lot of the awful ringing round. You’re also going to be entitled to help with costs etc. I’m about to start action for my husband because there were enormous failures in his care and treatment. Unfortunately, I’m dealing with all this completely alone and falling apart. So tired of time heals, dont care, want my future back.

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This would have been our Ruby wedding year, but it wasnt to be as my wife passed away in January.
My poor lady was bedbound for the last two years and i was her carer.
I feel like ive been mourning the woman she was for all that time. She was desperately ill with copd and i had to try and keep her spirits up. We both knew it was only a matter of time and Susan was so grateful that i was looking after her at home. I felt i wasnt up to the job, but my wife was always singing my praises to everyone.
I was desperately sad i couldnt save her, but came to realise i did my best for her and nobody could stop a terminal illness.
Nothing prepares you for that final day, she fought an unwinnable battle, but she had to go.
I have accepted shes gone and I believe grief is an inner sadness that doesnt leave but we adapt to with time.
Every one of us has lost a soul mate and that is why it hurts so much. We are all lucky to have had a great love as some people never find it.