Lost husband before christmas

The loneliness I find very hard at the monent

Hi Jacqui , I lost my husband Ron of 31 years with sudden heart attack before Christmas he was 72 .No one can replace that relationship, it is a lonely experience, I hope you have support from family and friends ,my two dogs help me tremendously . I’ve had to reach out to others like never before and this has helped me get through ,take care x

Hi Jacqui, sorry you find yourself on here with the rest of us who have lost someone special. I also lost my husband in November to a heart attack and I had lost my Mum 3 weeks before that. It is so hard to get through the days I am lucky I have great support from family and friends but it’s not the same is it. Like Sue3 I also have a wee dog and it’s her that gets me out of bed in the morning or I probably wouldn’t bother. You will chat to others on here who understand exactly how you feel which will help you.
Sending you positive thoughts
V xx

Thank you Sue for your kind words. I understand how you feel. The loss of a husband or partner is so very hard. I do have family around me and they have been brilliant it’s just that hole in your heart that seems impossible to fill. Jacky

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