Lost husband

Its been a year nearly now and every morning i still fill on edge when i wake up is this normal


Mornings when I wake up are the worst for me too I feel really anxious when I wake up never had anxiety before and it’s 12 months for me.I have to get up really early and start moving around to take my mind off it.


I think many of us feel the same. It has now been 9 months for me and I feel anxious and depressed every morning not knowing how I am going to get through the day alone. I did try to get out every day, either for a walk or going to a local cafe but I have not been well lately (Shingles brought on by stress) so have not been well enough to get out and meet anyone. I too get up really early and start to do jigsaw puzzles to take my mind off it. I wish I knew what the answer is. May be in time it will get easier but I have to say I do not like living alone, having to do everything in the house on my own without being able to discuss it with anyone else. Not sure that will get any better.


It’s been just over three years and three months since I lost my partner. It has got a little easier, but the heartache has not left. Everyday I think about him, talk to him and still cry.
Life is so lonely now as we all know on here.
Take care x


Fourteen months in, and l still wake up, see the empty space next to me in bed and feel that awful first wave of grief of the day. Like @Alone1, l talk to my husband on and off throughout the day, and say goodnight to the empty space beside me each evening.

My work keeps me sane and l do see a bit of brightness in my life now and then, thanks to the grandkids, but it’s not the life l wanted or expected. I would give anything to have my old life back, however l know that’s not to be. l just take it day by day and try and cope with whatever is thrown at me x


Thank you to all your kind messages, ive just been out for a long walk and i read and do puzzles to, its not nice being on your own is it