Lost mum recently to Covid

My mum was sectioned under MHA at beginning of Jan, taken by ambulance to mental health specialist hospital, a week later had to be transferred to a medical hospital for IV fluids and tests. She was due and ready to go back to mental health hospital but contracted Covid-19 she deteriorated rapidly and passed away 2 weeks after contracting it. We (dad and I) were unable to visit her but did speak to her at a point she was able to understand. We have had her funeral as I felt it best for my dad and the family to be able to have some relief she is at rest. The very few that came due to all the restrictions, said we did her proud. Some messages I’ve received have said that I was a fabulous daughter, always caring and that she was proud of me. It’s so hard with out her I can’t believe she has gone, keep expecting her to come home soon, Mothering Sunday is coming and she isn’t here, always had her for a meal. She was a true friend and always there to encourage me. I’ve gone to work doing things slightly less taxing, thought it would be good to have some distraction and routine to my day but I’m so tired all the time, head aches, feel in pain when I think of mum and cry all the time.

Hi Perth

I’m so sorry for your loss and my heart truly goes out to you. Though there’s never a right time, it surely feels like dealing with bereavement and loss during a time of isolation and lockdown makes it a million times harder to cope with this.

It’s amazing that you have taken on work again and I hope you are going easy on yourself. Distraction and routine seems to be a temporary fix but you know that the pain you’re feeling will always sit beneath the ‘normal’ routines of everyday.

It’s easy to throw out every cliche in the book when comforting those dealing with grief but know that what you are feeling is completely valid. You’ve found a community in which we can all support each other and there is always a place to express how you’re feeling.

sending all my love

Thank you so much Grace for your message it means so much. I went for a walk today, which has been a challenge for me lately. I walk to take my dad his shopping and as I passed the church thinking of my mum saying I looking after dad and I came across a daffodil head, so I picked it up and brought it home. My mum was welsh and loved her daffodils , felt she was close saying I’m hear with you in spirt and your doing well looking after my loved one xxx