Lost mum suddenly

Hi, i recently lost my mum (last week) only 12 days after being told she had lung cancer, which they told us was incurable, but treatable. My whole world has been turned upside down, but my main worry is my dad, they had been together for over 56 years and he is just so lost without her, how can i help him, whilst also grieving myself?

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My husband died after 54 years of marriage. Mychildren supported me and they still do nearly three years on. I think you just need to be there and let him talk about your mum if he wants to. He will need lots of support in the next few weeks. I know I did and I have been lucky but I do try not to be too clinging.

Hi MrsC83,
Just be there as much as you can for your dad and talk to him whenever he wants to talk.It will help the both of you.Take small steps each day and sometimes break the day into chunks so you can get through it. When my mum passed I honestly couldn’t function so each hour I got through was hard. I couldn’t eat sleep or do anything except cry all day and night.Thecpain was so raw I thought I wouldn’t survive. This site saved me.There is no question about that.I kept posting and posting and will be forever grateful to the many people who listened read my posts and replied. Keep posting on here because people really understand.You are not on your own.I found night times worse so I often posted then knowing someone would be on here.
It’s a new kind of life now and one none of us wanted but things will never be the same. Help your dad as much as you can and in doing so you will gain such strength yourself.Also look after yourself Eat rest and do whatever feels right for you because you have to keep strong.
Thinking if you
Deborah x

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