Lost mum yesterday

Lost my mum yesterday and I’m lost. Such a long hard road ahead…I don’t know how I’m gonna live without her, she was only 59 and I’m angry that this happened. I hate Cancer so much!!!


Hi i can understand how you are feeling i lost my Mum to cancer Oct 2019 and then i lost my husband to cancer Oct last year i so hate cancer always here if you want to chat


Hi Losttara,
I’m so sorry about the loss of your mum. I lost my dad recently and I am also scared about living my life without him in it. It doesn’t seem real that I wont ever see or hear him again. This site and the people on it has helped me whilst on my grief journey. It has made me realise I am not alone in how I am feeling.
Take care
Vicky xx

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So sorry for the loss of your mum. Cancer is such a cruel and horrible disease. It must have been heartbreaking seeing her like that. My dad had parkinsons and was gradually getting worse however he was in hospital for something else when he passed after multiple gps dismissing him being unwell and his symptoms when they reviewed him. And now here I am on a bereavement site. I agree how lovely the people on here are, I find it helps being able to talk to other people who understand. I dont think you can truely understand until it happens to you.

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Hi i hate cancer lost my mum to it Oct 2019 then i lost my husband to it Oct last year its so hard watching the people you love deteriorate sending you a big hug

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