Lost my big brother suddenly and unexpectedly


I lost my older brother (30) (im 26) 3 weeks ago. We have no answers as to what happened and may never find out. He was my best friend and played a huge part in my life growing up with divorced parents. As well as my brother, he played a parental role in my life. I haven’t even started to process what is happening as have been supporting other family members through this (our mum and his pregnant wife and their 2 year old). I was living in Paris for 4 years and have decided to come back to my family home to help my grieving mother and family members. I feel like this is too much to handle and feel like I’m drowning and there is no way out. Struggling a lot ! :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss.
I can imagine your pain and heartache.
I lost my husband 14 weeks ago and my whole world has turned upside down and inside out. The pain and heartbreak is indescribable.

There is no easy answer to your struggle
but keep posting on here. We are all here for each other and we all understand the hell that is grief.
I have been on this forum for a while now and it really helps. You can say whatever you want, rant if youlike, no one will judge you. Just support you.

Sending you big hugs x

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Hi lucy
I am so sorry for your loss, your brother was so young, and for his wife and child it must also be terrible, and your poor mum. I have experienced sudden and unexpected death with my mum and its awful. Initially its just shock and disbelief, waiting for answers and explainations that do not also come. For me its been 3 months now. To be honest its been a blur, and for me the shock caused me so much anxiety which was all i could focus on. Slowly the anxiety has improved and i have started to accept things. I miss her terribly but cannot do anything to change it which is really hard. In my experience you will start to process things but for now its really early days and what you are feeling is totally normal. If you want to chat please message me

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I am so sorry for your loss.

I lost my sister in March after a road traffic accident and also really struggled to express how I felt as I was supporting my dad, brother and nephew.

Please remember the good times you had together and hang on in there. It does get slightly easier with time.

Take time for yourself and try and talk with someone close to you but outside the immediate family circle. This definitely helped me as I could express myself without worrying about how the other person was feeling

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Hi Lucy. I’m Dan. I read about the sudden and tragic loss of your big bro, urgh, so sorry to hear this.

I lost mine in March so am a few months ahead of you in this hell hole of a journey.

Just wanted to check in to see how you are doing.

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Hi Lucyk24
So so sorry for your tremendous loss.
I lost my youngest son last year who was 27 and his older brother is 30.
It was sudden and very unexpected.
All i can say is take each day minute by minute and when you’re ready to, hour by hour, its a long journey for us all and you are still in the rawness so give yourself time. Posting here and sharing helps.
Take care.

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Hi there firstly I am so sorry for your loss. I can understand completely how you’re feeling and understand when you say you feel you are drowning. I lost my brother and expectedly out of the blue and same as you. He was my brother my best friend my soulmate we were inseparable. He has been by my side every day for many years And I feel lost alone. I just don’t know what to do with myself. Nothing is the same. Nobody could ever fill his gap or take his place but you have to stay strong for everybody else around you and you don’t feel you have the time to grieve for yourself my brother passed away in November last year and I still can’t seem to come to terms with it , it was always My brother and me and now it’s just me and it has completely and utterly broken my heart. I send big hugs to you and my deepest sympathies. Lisa