Lost my dad 2 days before Christmas, I can’t cope

I’m really really struggling, i was there after my dad had his cardiac arrest, they managed to get his heart going but he never regained consciousness & we was told he was severely brain damaged due to the time without oxygen, all I keep doing is replaying what happened and wanting to know why, could I have changed anything, I’m absolutely heartbroken he was my whole world, I’m also pregnant and he was so looking forward to becoming a grandad again now it’s all gone :broken_heart::sob:


Hello there, Just seen your post and I am so sorry to read about your Dad passing. Is so tough isn’t it and I really feel for you. I’m two years on from losing Mum and Dad passed in October. I wish I could say all will be well soon. But I can’t. You will have some really dark days but also some good ones. You will be up and down in mood - but that’s ok. You grieve in your own way and in your own time. There are some fantastic people on here who will support you with your loss. We are all here because we are missing somebody special - some of us have lost a second parent since joining. Take care and look after yourself , Jules xx

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Hi @Sadiedad2024

I lost my dad to a heart attack at the end of November, the day after we had got back from being on holiday together (just the two of us). I too am absolutely devastated, my dad was truly my best-friend. All I can say is that 5 weeks on it doesn’t get any easier but you definitely go through waves- some days I probably appear as a fully functioning woman and then others I can’t get out of bed. Don’t expect too much of yourself as everyone’s grief is different. Set yourself really small and achievable goals. Do whatever helps, be that talking to him out loud, writing things down or just filling out your house with photos, you will find something that, although can’t take away the pain, will give you comfort.

My brother is due his first baby in Feb and my dad was beyond excited. Now we just be grateful that he knew my brother was becoming a dad and the he died happy in the knowledge of it.

It’s truly heartbreaking to read your story, you are not alone :two_hearts:

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