Lost my dad a week ago

June 5th I lost my amazing Dad to cancer. A cancer so aggressive it was only 18 weeks from diagnosis to passing away. Over those 18 weeks I watched my dad be more or less completely ignored by the consultants at our local hospital. Nothing was done and by the time he was offered radiotherapy he was too poorly in a hospice to go. The pain he went through will be forever imprinted in my memory. The feeling of sheer helplessness at not being to do anything will never leave me. And the sight of him at the end looking like someone from a concentration camp will forever haunt me. I’m incredibly angry. I feel lost. I feel robbed! I want to make a formal complaint but don’t know where to start.


I lost my mum a year and a half ago, all I can say to you is that you learn to cope with it as there ill always feel like there is missing part. You will learn the strategies on how to deal with it and it will get easier to deal with. Just remember that you are not alone and that we know how you feel. The good memories that will make you smile are on the way I promise you this. It is a process we need to go through and you will get there :heart:

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I lost my Dad to cancer on 1st June, very aggressive as well. He was only diagnosed mid April. So very difficult watching him suffer and seemingly nothing could be done as he was too weak. There were hospice talks but he never made it there. I’ve lost loved ones before, but loosing Dad feels so very different. It’s so hard watching my Mum with a broken heart, I don’t know what to do to help apart from being there. And helping with the masses of paperwork - sometimes I have to make excuses to have some time to myself as I can’t cope with the heartache. I’ve lots of supportive friends, but I feel very alone. I feel for you, I’m not sure how you make a complaint , but I’m sure if you go online to the hospital site there will be a signpost to pals and complaints. Sending a virtual hug.

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