Lost my Dad and best friend

Firstly, let me preface this by saying that I have been extremely lucky up to this point. I haven’t really had to cope with loss as both parents were alive and as we are a small family haven’t had any tragedies or loss. As the youngest in the family all grandparents died when I was very young, so didn’t really have that to deal with either.

But this changed when my Dad was diagnosed with cancer and passed away last month after only a short fight with it (it was fairly advanced when found).

I lived with my Dad most of my entire life as we co-owned the house to help me get on the ladder.

So his loss has firstly left me on my own but also as the first real tragedy I’ve had to deal with I’m not actually sure how to deal. I’ve not really had a lot of emotion (I cried a little when he passed and the next day) but then it feels like I’m holding it in.

Not really sure how to move on from this point and to deal with it.

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Dear @gbh4

Welcome to the Community. I apologise for the delay in replying and I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dad.

Sue Ryder has recently launched a Grief Guide which will be of support and help to you. It will help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief. Sue Ryder also has information on Losing a Parent which would be useful for you to read.

If you type in the search bar Losing a Parent you can connect with members here who have been in a similar situation as yourself. The support is amazing and it does help to connect with members here.

Please continue to reach out and take care.
