Lost my dad to cancer

My dad got diagnosed with cancer and only my mum knew. I got told 2hrs before he died. I’ve been keeping myself busy but nearly 6 months on it’s really hitting me. I can’t speak to my mum about it and I have been going to support sessions but I just feel like I’m repeating the same thing every week and it’s not helping. I’ve been told I can have sleeping tablets to help with me sleeping, however I’m sleeping ok. Also my mood is ok it’s not low or anything I just really miss my dad and struggling to find this new normal, would he greatful if anyone in the same situation who understands could reach out. I am a female in my mid 20s. Thanks

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Hello @Jellytots96, I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad. Thank you for bravely reaching out by starting this thread. You might want to look at @Loveforever89 's thread. She sadly lost her dad to cancer too: Lost my dad to cancer within a week of diagnosis

I hope you find the community to be a support - you are not alone.

Take care