Lost My Dad

My dad died two days ago while I was on holiday and I can’t seem to accept that I had no chance to say goodbye to him. My mum has Covid and I can’t be with her (though my brother is able to be there) as my partner is in a vulnerable category for Covid. I don’t know whether to go home, though I can’t be of any support. I keep crying and thinking of all the things I wish I’d said or done for my dad. I’m also fearful about everything and having difficulty sleeping. Any advice please? Should I go home?

Hi, these decisions are hard and no one can really advise you in the situation. What about phoning or FaceTime type thing may be a thought. It is very difficult with the virus and how easy it is to transmit it? See what the family think but please be careful. Sxx

Thank you Susie. That’s good advice