Lost my dad

Hi everyone

It’s so sad to read the stories on here.
I lost my dad in December after a short battle with leukaemia.
He was the bravest man I ever met. He refused all treatment in October and passed away peacefully in his own bed at home. His wishes.
Dad prepared us well, and we will be eternally grateful to him for that. We had 9 weeks with him, caring for him until the end. Being able to say our long farewells.
The hardest part for us as a family was watching him slowly detiorate. Watching dad disappear into a man we hardly recognised. Death for dad was welcomed, and although we miss him terribly, I’m happy that dad is finally free of his body that was ruined by the disease.
Wherever dad is, he’s OK, and that puts us all at peace.
Our loved ones are never far away.
Until we meet again dad.
Love to you all xx


My heart goes out to you and your family. We had the same 9 weeks and with the same condition, leukaemia. Take care of yourself and all your family, sending you blessings. Sxx

Hi Claire, I’m so very sorry for you and your dad. You were able to say everything to each other before he left. I wasn’t able to do that with mam. She went into hospital for tests (routinely) and didn’t come out. She died a week later from cancer. We were so shocked and not able to see her until a couple of days before she passed and by that time she was on morphine so not really conscious. I didn’t get to talk to her proper, have a conversation about everything I want to say and can’t because it’s too late. To tell her how much I love her. I keep forgetting she’s gone. I think she’s on holiday and that’s why I haven’t spoken to her for a while. I just want to talk to her again.
I just wanted to say hello x

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