Lost my Dad


Im new here. 3 weeks ago i lost my Dad. Im 42, and Im not coping very well. I feel like i have a pit in my stomach that I cant deal with and Im not sure where to look for help.
I keep going to ring or text my Dad like im on auto pilot, then it hits me that hes gone.

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Hi @Emma41 Sorry about your Dad. I lost mine in March & on Wednesday it will be 34 weeks. I remember those early days so don’t expect too much. Shock affects everything especially your digestive system. I had constant nausea back then. There are days I really want to share stuff with him & then I remember he’s gone. It’s a life changing event so it takes time to adjust & it’s horrible. Do you have support? X


Thankyou for your reply x I do have support, but for some reason i feel guilty making use ofnthe support. I feel like i should be able to ‘deal’ with it.

Hi Emma. I can totally relate. I lost my Dad 6 weeks ago. I am 45. He was 71 and always so fit and healthy but had cancer that ended up in his brain and the last few weeks were horrible so I feel I am dealing with that trauma as well as dealing with the first major loss in my life. What a rollercoaster right? Sending love and I’m sorry for your loss. I can only hope that it gets better, like everyone says xx


Youve just helped me realise something…it is dealing with the trauma of thenillness, aswell as the grief of him being gone. Im so sorry you lost your dad x

Youve just helped me realise something…it is dealing with the trauma of thenillness, aswell as the grief of him being gone. Im so sorry you lost your dad x

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Exactly. I don’t know how you’re dad passed away but mine had cancer. He had it for around 2 years but sadly it went to his brain and they couldn’t do any more. The last 3 weeks were very rapid and we cared for him at home so I was there until the very end. I wish I could get some of those days out of my head :frowning: x

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My dad had cancer too. Prostate cancer diagnised 2 years ago, and then rapidly spread to his bones, lymph, vertebrae and kidneys. He had a kidney drain put in, but developed Sepsis. They got the Sepsis reasonably under control but his body couldnt fight anymore.

I’m so sorry. Cancer is just so cruel for the whole family. I thought I was prepared but turns out I had no idea about this whole grief thing. What also comes alongside it is now worrying about my mum and her grief and future too. Never ending cycle it seems x

@Emma41 Dont feel guilty. There are days I can’t cope or feel as if I can’t. I drift along in my grief bubble, hoping I’ll feel better but subtle reminders don’t help. I can also relate to the trauma leading upto his death. He’d been in hospital & On the day that he was supposed to be discharged, he died. The hospital was a shambles & I blamed myself for ages that I didn’t get him home. My advice is accept any help that’s given, regardless. Xx