Lost my dad

Hi all, my dad passed away a week today :cry: and the ache im feeling is like nothing iv felt before. I was and always will be daddys girl, i was with him when he took his last breath, he had been battling cancer for a year and for the last 4 months i had been caring for him.

It feels like iv a slow punture in my heart at the min :broken_heart:


So sorry Irishgirl,

You describe the pain so well. Hopefully you’ll find help and support here :yellow_heart:; I have.

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Thank you, its feels like its a bad dream :pensive:

Yes i lost my mum in November and im still battling through, finding things so difficult. I used to be my mums carer still in disbelief. Just take care of yourself, i go swimming which helps take the edge off xxx

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Aww im sorry to hear that. It really is crap isnt it? I was such a daddys girl and went everywhere with him, he taught me so much but didnt teach me how to go on without him xx


Hi. I’m so sorry. I lost my dad before Christmas and that’s exactly how it feels. It’s such a horrible pain. This site has been helpful for me and I hope it is for you as well. :heart:


Im sorry for your loss. Its an ache iv never felt before :sleepy:.
Im very blessed i had my dad for 48 wonderful years and made so many memories with him xx

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Thank you. It never feels long enough, I think, not matter how old they are, but every year with them is one to treasure. The pain is horrible, wish none of us had to bear it. :heart:


Aww it really sucks, my dad was 78 when he passed so im blessed and grateful i had him for so long. Always daddys girl x


No it is never long enough, just so tough i saw her everyday and going past places i used to take her too the hairdressers etc really messess with my head. Feeling really down at the moment. Sorry you are going through this too xxx


I can barely go anywhere without being reminded because we did so much together. It’s torture. Sending hugs. :heart:

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Yes it is i feel exactly the samexx Hugs to you too xx


Aww thank u both @Ulma @Cadburys52 , hugs to you both xx

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