Lost my dad

I lost my dad in November to cancer and it’s still very raw and painful. It was a very short illness, from him saying he felt a bit poorly to when he died was around 5 months and so I’m still trying to process what happened for such a short amount of time. Although I have my family I still feel incredibly empty and lost without him. I keep thinking there’s been a mistake and he’ll walk through the door any moment. I feel angry with the world, and I can’t get past how much he didn’t deserve it. He was only 65, I feel he was cheated. Hoping someone can relate.

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I can relate to this completely, my Dad passed away over two years ago, having battled with MND for three years before I still find it all still incredibly upsetting, as he passed away aged 70. Life is very different now, I feel deeply envious of friends who seem so happy with life when all I feel is sadness. Take care.