Lost my dad

Hi There, my first time ever talking about this. I lost my dad in December 2017. Im really struggling to come to terms with this. Im also suffering with a bit of depresion and mood swings!! Doesnt seem to get any easier

Hi Johnjoe76,

I’m sorry to hear that you lost your dad in December 2017 and are suffering with depression and mood swings. You’ll find you’re not alone here in experiencing both depression and mood swings, as they are often talked about in this community and can be difficult to cope with. Are you feeling supported at the moment, by family or friends, or perhaps your GP?

We have an article on our website that may be helpful for you. It talks about coping with bereavement and talks through some of the common things people experience when they’re grieving and also suggests some ways of coping: https://www.sueryder.org/how-we-can-help/someone-close-to-me-has-died/advice-and-support/how-can-i-cope-with-bereavement

Take care,