Lost my Daddy a week ago Sunday

Working, continuing, no choice but … :broken_heart:


Im so sorry for your loss Emma. I know you say you have no choice, but if you dont feel able to work please consider taking some bereavement leave/sickness absence. Its such early days for you, and grief can have a huge impact emotionally and physically. Some people prefer the busyness and distraction, but if you’re struggling please be kind to yourself and dont push on regardless :heart:


Sending a virtual hug Emma. So sorry for your loss.

Mine died 3 weeks ago. Also heartbroken and don’t know how I will survive. Feeling very teary and sad today. Hang in there - you’re in the rawest stage.

Virtual hug :hugs: well received & given back :people_hugging:

So sorry for your loss also. Same here … visiting him tomorrow at the Chapel of Rest with my son, who was more like a son to him. Gonna break then.

He was my hero, my right arm, my soldier, my everything, my world …

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@Emma291 I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. I’m doing this on the 28th Feb for my dad. It feels unreal, as I only did this for mum on 11 Dec 23. Crazy really. It was hard but I’m glad I did it as I could kiss her one last time.

Fot her we took in some photos for mum, and dad arranged them around her. I’ll do the same for him. We also put in letters and a single red rose. Writing the letter was hard, but I’m so glad I did it as nothing was left unsaid. We also gave her a little snack to take. Sounds so silly but she loved flying saucer sweets.

For dad, the funeral directors will put mum’s ashes in the chaple of rest with him so he’s not alone. We were about to puck her up when dad died so they held onto her for us. Unbelieveable.

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Lost my dad a couple of months ago. It feels like being broken into tiny pieces. I’m with Ally, do you really have to work right now? Or maybe you want to, as a distraction. Either way, I’m sending you love and hugs. :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your losses @RobBeat08 , awful! We’ve already chosen the outfit & what’s going with Dad. He wasn’t one for flowers. Could not write a letter, that would break me. I’ll whisper in his ear. He knew how I felt about him, I know but :broken_heart:

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Its a very personal choice. You do what feels right. Thinking of you tomorrow. X

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Nothing anyone says will change your feeling of that but we can listen. I lost my Dad 25 years ago and my Mum just a few weeks ago. I’ve been told by my sister to stop thinking about things. What is done is done! That is her way it is not mine. You will feel numb and hurt and emotional and angry. The practical things will fill your time. Allow yourself to feel to cry to laugh and remember. They will always be in your heart. Sending a virtual hug :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m so sorry for your losses. So close together as well just awful. I lost my uncle a few years ago now and then my auntie passed literally a few weeks later. They had been married over 65 years and she could not cope without him. They say she died of a broken heart. She could not face the future without him.
I do not know if I would have been able to cope with my parents passing so closely together. Mine were 25 years apart and that is hard. Mum just a few weeks ago. Sending much love :heart:

@Marley3 Thank you for your kind words.

I have no choice to keep going. I’m now mum and dad to my autistic brother. There are 4 kids and we are huddled together and trying to get through.

I cried the other day when my brother said ‘stronger together’ and stepped in to help my autistic brother.

Mum and dad would want me to survive and thrive. Although I don’t feel like it yet, that is my mission in the future.

Still have thd funeral, so 1 step at a time.


I lost my Dad too 5 weeks ago so i share your pain.Sending love :heart:

Thank you for your wishes @Shera. I’m so sorry your on yhis terrible journey as well. Sending a virtual hug and strength. X

Thank you @Marley3. You’re not wrong. Vitual hug right back at ya x

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :kissing_heart: Thinking of you & your brothers @RobBeat08

:hugs: virtual hugs back at you. Hope you’re doing as ok as you can