Lost my daughter 9.2.25 31 years

I just cannot come to terms that I have lost my beautiful daughter . She was only 31 years old . I am so angry with the hospital as her care given was not good . Her life is gone my and my husband feel how do we go on without her . She still lived at home so was constantly around us . I do have 2 sons one who lives in china and has gone back there today . Myself and my husband are struggling so much just to do anything and get through the day . I feel so angry with the world . I know we will never be able to get over her loss .

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Hi @Bonniemay ,

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out,


I’m sorry for the loss of your daughter.
I lost my oldest son in November. He was 40.
I too am not happy with recent hospital care he’d received. He had no diagnosis even though he’d been in and out of hospital for over 2 years. A post mortem was performed and we’ve just found out he had ischaemic heart disease. I’m now in the process of a complaint against the NHS. I know it won’t change what’s happened to Ben and us, but I feel like I’m doing something for him. He has an 8 yr old son and I need to find out if anything could be hereditary too.
It is still early days for you and all I can say is do what you both need to, to get through each day. I still cry most days and struggle to believe it’s actually happened.
Next week we are burying his ashes. I know this will hit me hard again.
There is no right way of doing anything to cope, you just have to muddle through.
I hope you go easy on yourselves and take each day as it comes.

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I’m so sorry about your loss of your son losing a child is the worse feeling ever. I also have started my complaint with the nhs hospital she was at . Like you say it won’t bring them back but it’s something that has to be done . It’s a hard to accept I will never see her beautiful face again . Tears are streaming down my face now as I type that . We have had the funeral this week .

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It’s all still very raw for you.
Wishing you well x

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We are all here for you. Keep talking to us. It helps only if for a short while.

Thank you . I have had to force myself to get out of bed keep thinking no point now on getting ip . All around me I see my daughter it’s so hard . My husband who has tried to stay strong is now breaking down .

I know that feeling of what is the point. I feel every day what is the point in living, but I’m doing it for my hubby and son. Not because they need me like my daughter did but because they would suffer pain without me even if only for a short while.

Yes Bam exactly the same I’m doing it for my husband and sons as well . My daughter needed me always asking me to pick something up or to do something for her I have the biggest hole feeling in my stomach all the time . I really don’t know how to live without her .

Bonniemay even though Lauren has her own house she was always popping in here. Every room has memories of Lauren. The things she bought me for Mother’s Day and birthdays are all around. I walk in the utility room and a wave of grief hits me because she was always just ‘dropping of washing or drying’ (even though she had her own washer/drier) for me to do. I moaned about it coz I was working full time but I did it. I used to speak to her every day, usually 3 or 4 times. We would ring one another just to say ‘are you all right, what you doing? Or she would ring me with ’ you’ll never believe it but…’ . Every call was ended with ‘love you see you later’ and was reciprocated by the other. I would see her 3 or 4 times a week if not every day. I have lost my daughter and my best friend. I am broken and feel no joy in life. I don’t want to be here I want to be with my daughter and every day is just a day closer to my death. The pain is unbearable.

This is so similar . I used to have calls and texts during the day off her with lots of ideas what we would do next in Our lives . She would fill my washing basket with clothes as only used to wear things once . Her phone is in the kitchen her car in the drive . I am trying I have just taken the dog who Lucy adores down the beach although I sobbed the whole time .

I walked round our local woods yesterday and talked out loud to the universe asking why was it my daughter that had to die. I then asked Lauren to send me a sign, anything to let me know she was okay. I sobbed and wailed all the time. People avoided me .
Lauren was just getting her life back together 2 years after splitting from her controlling partner. She has 2 girls, the eldest at 17 now lives with us the youngest at 9 lives with her controlling narcissistic dad.
Lauren died of a spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage. I found her appx 6 hours after she had died appx 7 hours after I spoke to her.

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Lucy was in hospital as she was rushed in Christmas Day with a perforated spleen . She was in intensive care for a week they removed her spleen . Lucy was then put on to the surgical ward where she stayed until the 1st February . Unfortunately she also had a blood clot in the vein leading to the liver and needed to be looked after on the gastrointestinal ward at this stage . From the 24 January her condition deteriorated getting confused swelling and nothing was done until after a fight off me she was rushed to intensive care and put in an induced sleep . She didn’t recover as the toxins were left to build up in her body . I’m so angry that my beautiful daughter has lost her life . I have changed into an angry person . I just can’t face the rest of my life without her although I know I must .

So sorry. We lost my dad to undiagnosed ischemic heart disease. He had symptoms over 5 or more years. He was seen by non-medically qualified people at his GP practice. :yellow_heart:

Sorry to hear that.
I am starting a complaint with the NHS and have requested his medical records. I’m just so angry as he’d had many hospital visits in the last 2 years and his kidneys were a concern, kidney issues can be linked to ischaemia so I want to know why they never looked at his heart.
Such a waste of his life, he was 40 and has an 8 year old son.