Lost my daughter and my mum

Coming up to 12 months since i lost my Elle and 10 weeks later i lost my mum im having counciling and pushing myself ,im dreading xmas,but grief is killing me slowly,need to chat.

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I’m so sorry for your loss your daughter and your mum you have had it tough.I lost my daughter 13-01-2017 I’m still going to counselling I’m the same as you the grief is killing me everyday is a struggle Xmas wats that I don’t do it anymore since she passed to hard xx

hi,i know its so hard to handle last xmas i was in hosy with Elle trying to fight this bug,she was very poorly and never seen much of xmas ,she was eleven and passed away on the 3/01/18 ,she loved xmas and broke her heart when she had to stay in icu,so xmas is very pain ful time ,hope your councling is helping a bit ,i know its very hard and hope you got good friends and family