Lost my dear dad suddenly

Monday the 31st i lost my handsome father to a stroke, he went into hospital as a day patient having a scan and never came home, we had a glimmer of hope mid week when he had a couple good days talking eating and it seemed like he was getting better and stable, unfortunately out of the blue the stroke cruely took him away, its hell … the pain… the fear of living life without him… he truly was my best friend how do you carry on? … i feel like its taking all my energy to breathe… my poor dad my hero xx


Hello @LOWTHER, I’m so sorry for the loss of your father- that is devastating. Sadly, many of our members have experienced the loss of a parent and will understand some of what you are going through.

I wanted to share our support page on How long does grief last? which can walk you through some of the feelings you may experience in these early days and beyond.

You might wish to connect with @Laurenbeth88 who also lost her father very suddenly and recently: Dad died

I really hope you find the community to be a support to you. Take good care,
