Lost my husband in August

Just feel a bit lost, shocked and bewildered by the finality of it.

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Hi Tish
I am so sorry for your loss and have a good idea how you feel as I lost my beloved husband at the end of June. I can’t get my head around the fact that I will never see him again as we were together for 57 years and very happy.
I have found great comfort and support in this site and I hope you will too. Hugs


Thank you so much for replying. I think sometimes it’s good to remember you’re not the only one that feels like this. We were married for ten years but have been friends for 32. I guess you know more than most how hard this is. So sorry to hear if your loss. That’s a long time! You must have so many cherished memories c

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Yes, I have. We had two daughters and they had two children each. The are suffering too as they were all very close to him.
It’s the memories that help us through, even if they do hurt. I feel lucky that I had him for so long. There are people on here, including you, I suspect, who are much younger than I am and I really feel for them.

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Hi Ann, we have five children between us and ten grandchildren. I know they are suffering too. I try not to let them know I am for their sake. I’m sure it’s more healthy to show the hurt but everyone has their own lives and issues. I don’t think age is really an issue when you lose someone you love. It hurts, it takes time and we all feel it in uniquely. I suppose coming in here I was hoping to connect with people like yourself that understand the feeling and compare how we feel and how we cope xx

Well, I am here for you, just as I am sure you are for me. With the help of this site, we’ll hopefully all get through it together x

Thanks Ann, my first contact from here, sorely needed and gratefully received. Wishing you all the love and support you need xx

Thank you Tish1. Mind you, on a lighter note, if you can cope with ten grandchildren, you have the strength to cope with almost anything!x

Hello Tish1. I’m very sorry to hear of the recent passing of your Husband, I can totally understand you feeling lost and bewildered. I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here, and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

You may feel you need a little help and support. just to let you know, Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here: www.sueryder.org/counselling.

Another good place to get support is Cruse Bereavement, they offer a helpline, email support, and counselling and support groups through their local services: 0808 808 1677, helpline@cruse.org.uk, http://www.cruse.org.uk/bereavement-services.

We hope the community, or my suggestions can help you to feel a little better.

Take care,
Online Community Team.

:rofl: true x thank for keeping me company x

Any time! X

Thank you, I will use anything I can at the moment x