Lost my husband

I lost my husband in February this year, not through covid 19, but having a heart attack. He had 2 strokes and 6tia’s November last year, was surposed to go to rehab but caught covid without any symptoms in hospital so the rehabilitation unit didn’t have him, he came home for Christmas, we were getting used to the routine of doing everything for him as he had lost the use of his right arm and hand, he had his 50th birthday on the 23rd of February and died on the 27th February of this year, having a heart attack. He has left a big hole in my life and has left a 16 year old son, some days are hard because he was my sole mate, and my son has lost a Male role in his life.

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 50 a few months ago. He too has left a son without a role model and a daughter who was very much a daddy’s girl. He was my soulmate, my everything. You just need to take one day at a time, or even one breath at a time to start with. You can sign up for counselling here or with Cruse but keep posting as people here will understand and support you. Take care

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@Tattytayvic hi I am so very sorry for your loss its so hard losing our soulmates my darling pauline died in April you will find support here I know I have keep posting on here everyone understands what we are going through I’m often around if you ever want to chat stay safe take care sending hugs

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