Lost my husband

I recently lost my partner at 26 years old suddenly in a car accident, we have 3 young children together, feeling so lonely & no one seems to understand, it feels like Im going insane

Hi Daisy

So sorry for the loss of your partner. You must be so traumatised. You are not going insane it’s just a normal part of grief, but must get some help. Try your doctor first and then accept any offers of help from friends and neighbours. Grieving is totally exhausting. Having 3 young children means you have to find a way to carry on but at the same time you need to take care of yourself. I’m sure someone else will post with some help and advice.

Thinking of you and sending you a big hug

Yvonne X

Hi Daisy. Please please ask for help. Your family, relatives, your partners relatives are all there to support you. Please let them.
My husband died nearly one year ago and I didn’t seek support and pretended I was coping and it’s came back to hit me harder than ever.
Please ask for help and talk to those close to you.

I wish I could, but there is no one left, since it’s happened I then found out 4 weeks to the day my dad was having an affair & has a 2 year old child & took on another family & just neglected us, so there is so much other stress going on, I don’t really have any friends at all, I am so alone & stuck I can’t bare to think about what’s happened because the pain is just too much, I have a 5 year old, a 3 year old with autism & a 1 year old, I am so so frightened xx

Hi please go to your doctor seek help from grief counciling if they can help.but please keep messaging on this forum we are all coming through the same ,we are all here to help each other no hugs

Sorry that was big hugs to everyone