Lost my mom

I lost my mom on 23/12/21 completely unexpected and unavoidable I feel so lost as she was not only my mom but my best friend and soulmate feel completely alone and the thought of the future is unbearable I haven’t even buried her yet and don’t know how to cope


Hello and welcome to the community. We know how devastating it feels when we loss are soulmate and how alone we find ourselves. It takes time to come to terms with our loss and what you are experiencing is normal. Please don’t be hard on yourself and take each day as it comes, you will have good days and not so good days. We are always here for you no matter what. Take care Sxx

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Hi @Mymom123

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum and although we all grieve differently I can empathise as my mum was my best friend, my housemate and my confidant and I miss her terribly.

Do you have friends and family close by that can help you during this time?

Everyone is here to help,

Take care,

Suzanne x

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Sorry this message has gone to wrong recipient. Should be for MyMom.

Sorry Mymom about what’s happened
and what you are going through. Even though I’d been married, I’m a widow now, I lived with Mum and didn’t have children. It’s so difficult isn’t it. I can offer kindness and compassion but sadly have no wisdom. Stay safe and take care of yourself. There is always plenty of company on here.


I’m sorry for your loss I lost my mum in December aswell. Like you my mum was my world. I had my mums funeral over a week ago and it was probably the 2nd hardest day of my life. First was losing my mum like you I didn’t know how I was going to get through it but I did. Only bit of advice I can give is on the day just do a step at a time like getting up and dressed etc. It has hit me more now after the funeral. I’m here if you want to talk x


Hi lou5 my moms funeral is on Wednesday and I’m wondering how the hell im gonna be able to even walk

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Somehow you do it I think my legs just took over. My mums funeral was and still is bit of a blank. Have you got someone to walk in with you? I got asked to help push my mums coffin in and somehow I found the strength and I did it. It will be hard I found it hard but I just did it for my mum.

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I have my 2 kids but am not ready to say goodbye we had so much to look forward to we’d more or less work planned out the whole year and life without her seems unbearable

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I know me and my mum had things planned aswell. I was hoping my mum would be out of hospital for Christmas but she wasn’t. It’s not easy I feel very lonely at moment the visits and phone calls have started to stop its 6 weeks today since my mum passed away but to me feels like 6 seconds ago. It was just me and mum at home and we were very close I’m only 30 now I have new responsibilities which is hard aswell

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It’s just horrendous but I know exactly how you’re feeling I can give you my number if you would like

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Me too I hoped my mum would be out for Xmas and her 75th birthday at the end of Dec but it wasn’t to be and instead of getting excited about xmas I was left to arrange and deal with her funeral etc.

Like you there were phone calls and texts every day from close friends and family but now about 7 weeks on the calls have very much slowed down and days I’m not at work can be very long and lonely.

I hope you are having some good days and taking care of yourself

Suzanne x

Thank you I think it’s just the case that’s it’s hit me more in the last few days

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