Lost my mum recently

Hi everyone im struggling after losing my mum 10 weeks ago just feel so sad every day dont like getting upset in front of my family i just find it hard to get up an get on with the day i just wake up upset everyday when im at work im ok as work by myself mainly so people dont ask how your feeling which is good as id prob bust into tears an i really dont get upset in front of people its just not me everyone seems to be getting on with life i ho through the motions putting on a normal fsce to everyone its like my mum dont exist too everyone else i dont want sympathy i just want too feel better i take the dog out an i just walking along and bust out crying in the car driving im going on holiday saturday an really want to be happy but i prob be putting on a happy face for show does it get easy i know people always say it does

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Welcome to the Community @Cosmobella. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum.

You are in the early stages of grief which has a mixture of rollercoaster emotions. You will have good days and bad days. It is all normal and part of the grieving process. It good and healthy to cry, please don’t be hard on yourself for crying.

I would like to guide you to the Sue Ryder Grief Self-Help Service , this has supportive information which will help you understand and cope with bereavement and grief.

Have you considered booking an appointment with your GP to see if they can support you and guide you to any local Bereavement groups in your area?

If you type in the search bar Losing a Parent you will be able to connect with members who have experienced what you are going through. The support is amazing.

Please do not feel you are alone and continue to reach out. We are all here for you. If you would like more information please email online.community@suerydercare.org.

I hope your holiday on Saturday goes for well you. It is ok not to be ok and if it helps when you are holiday, let the people you are with know how you feel. They will understand.

Take care.


I am so sorry about you loosing your mum
Over time you do learn to live with the loss
It’s not easy though

Why don’t you write in a journal
That’s what I did when my mum died it helped me express how I was really feeling without offending anyone
You could take it on holiday with you and write in it as if you were talking to your mum
You might find it helps you cope with your grief and the holiday

I do hope you manage to enjoy your holiday I know it will be hard please don’t feel guilty for enjoying yourself your mum would want you to be happy
Take care

HI there, I just lost my Mum too and I find the sadness and exhaustion of trying to get on with life overwhelming. happy to chat if you need to talk.

Hi there I would love to chat, I am only 50 and dont know that many people who have lost their Mum at my age and so I am struggling.

How long ago did you Mum pass away?

@Cosmobella hi its so traumatic isn’t it, I lost my Mam 6.weeks ago and finding it so hard, I miss her so much it hurts. I was her full.time carer aswell for the last 3 years. I still.carnt believe she’s gone. . Its difficult because I feel the same like people think your back to normal, even family seem to think it. But it’s when we try just to live everyday without sobbing they think your better. You never get better .

@Ali72 I’m 52 and lost my beloved Mam 6 weeks ago I’m absolutely heartbroken she was truly my best friend, I’ve been listening to podcasts that feature julia samuel a grief counsellor she’s fantastic and really helps you understand grief. Give them a listen too. Always here for a chat… its hard to talk to family sometimes