Lost my mum to COVID so lost

I recently Lost my mum on the 5th of January is to Covid and I’m having a very troubled time coming to terms with it my mum Was only 59 she did have diabetes so awesome underlining health conditions just really struggling with the way she’s died.
My stepfather tested positive on Christmas Eve for the virus This was the last day I see my mum alive my mum was in bed for two days Christmas Day and Boxing Day she got up on the 27th we spoke over FaceTime saying that she was fine but isolating in her bedroom the next morning my stepdad rang for an ambulance when she went into hospital called they just kept telling me that she was confused and on the 30th they rang me to say that they’re going to discharge her home a day later the end-of-life team rang me I’ve got to be by her bedside until I’ve got my test results back positive then I had to leave the whole hospital journey was horrendous as nobody was telling me what was happening just said they couldn’t do anymore I have a meeting on the 1st of March with the doctors that was dealing with my mum‘s hospital journey as I need answers and hopefully closure as to why she was coming home to then to be gone, why was she not put on a ventilator ?why was she not in ICU? Why was she just on a normal ward? why did you know it was end of life then? Why won’t you fighting for her? she just didn’t look end-of-life when I was in the hospital why why why…my sister and brother live in Australia so I’m dealing with this on my own. I just miss my mum so much she was my best friend and this pain is horrendous it’s just not fair I only had her,I just feel so bitter and twisted regarding the whole Covid thing it’s just not fair :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Dear Bonniebo,

My hear goes out to you. So many questions must be going through your mind over and over again, on top of your grief about the sudden loss of your mum. It must have been so hard for you to get good news one day, only to get really bad news the very next day. I hope that you will get some answers when you talk with the doctors on Monday. Make sure you have your list ready. Is your father-in-law or anyone else going with you for support, or are you going on your own?

Whatever the outcome is on Monday, I hope that it will help you and lessen your pain. It must be difficult for your sister and brother too who are so far away at this sad time where if it was not for Covid, you would probably try to be together so you can grieve together and support each other.

I wished there was something I could say to make you feel better. I can’t, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone and that the people in this online community know what it feels like to lose a loved one, and that many of them, like you, have lost someone to Covid. I hope that you will find some comfort in reading other people’s posts and replies.



I am so sorry for your loss I lost my mum 3 weeks ago.She was 52.Covid wasn’t the cause of her death but she did catch It in hospital and It contributed to her death.It sounds like you’ve been through hell.I hope the hospital gives you the answers to your questions.I also hope you find some peace.Im so sorry you have had to deal with this by yourself.My heart breaks for you.

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Soo saddened and sorry that hear. I can empathise with you as Iv lost my dad to COVID too. Similar situation to yours. I pray and hope you get some answers. I Just really don’t know what to say to help you as I’m finding it hard too. The pain of losing a parent, is hard to explain. All the best.

I too lost my dad on the 5th of Jan to covid @Bonniebo , I feel your pain im sat crying reading this, all off this is shit.

I never got to be with my dad or hold his hand we had to watch him die on my brothers phone in the hospital carpark

My heart really goes out to you

So sorry for your loss


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Sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. So many of us going through such a difficult time.
And it gets me so angry that some people not taking COVID seriously.

Sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. Lost my dad to COVID and similar situation to yours. The pain is hard to explain. X


*[quote=“Sara123, post:7, topic:35699, full:true”]
Sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. Lost my dad to COVID and similar situation to yours. The pain is hard to explain. X
