Lost my mum

Lost my mum 10 weeks ago,been with her all my life .looked after her last 14 years she had dementia, did every thing for her now she has gone and I am so lost without her we had such a close bond,I was her only son.and every day is a struggle to get through am 66 mum was 93.and some times a just can’t believe I will never she mum again.

Hello, I am so sorry your mum as had to leave you. She must have been a tremendous lady and you an exceptional son, she must have been very proud of you for looking after for so many years. The bond you have will always be there and the memories are a life times of lovely thoughts. It will be hard to come to terms with your new life and the extra time you will now have will be very unsettling. There’s no easy answer but you will get through this thick fog. Take care and keep safe. S xxx

Thank you for very kind words.