Lost my mum

Hia awh I’m sorry for your loss aswell :broken_heart:I totally agree it’s like an actual pain ,I still picture her ,I watch programs I no she did ,I go over scenarios in my head as if I can bring her back ,all silly but I can’t get it into my head she’s gone xx


My sister has the ashes at hers at the moment. Which is where mums dog is now also living. I was kind of glad she was back near her beloved dog. It’s been hard to watch her dog adjust. She’s been so lost. We took her to the funeral. We are going to keep some of the ashes each and then scatter the rest where she liked to walk her dog with our last dogs ashes. So they can be together again xxx

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I just can’t get my head around how in 5 weeks one minute she is here, and 5 weeks on her house is gone and she is now ashes. Like she never existed. Literally all gone in a heartbeat. How??? Why??? Life has been completely ripped apart in one heartbeat. Sorry. Finding tonight so hard. It’s the first time I’ve sat in my living room of an evening since then. Sat down and the urge to text her and say ‘talk if you want’ was so overwhelming. Seconds later she’d FaceTime me. It’s been a bad day. Miss her so much xxx


I can relate to what you are going through. It’s almost 5 weeks my passed away to a sudden cardiac arrest. One instance she was here and the next she was gone. She was only 58. I don’t know how I am living without her. She is my everything. I keep asking myself “why did this happen” but if course I am not going to get any answers. This loss is killing me. I ask my mom everyday to come and take me with her. She wants me to be happy and my happiness is to be with her and not live in a world without her.

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I can relate to what you are going through. It’s almost 5 weeks my mom passed away to a sudden cardiac arrest. One instance she was here and the next she was gone. She was only 58. I don’t know how I am living without her. She is my everything. I keep asking myself “why did this happen” but ofcourse I am not going to get any answers. This loss is killing me. I ask my mom everyday to come and take me with her. She wants me to be happy and my happiness is to be with her and not live in a world without her.

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It’s a long time since I posted anything on here !
Thankyou for everyone who replied to me and sorry for the delay !
I’m still in hell tbh can’t lie
Infact I’m worse
I don’t do my house work it’s a bloody tip
I do t eat just drink and what ever else I can get hold of !!!
I’m a mum to two beautiful girls and I’ve got an amazing little 20mnth old grandson!!
I love them with all my heart but cannot stop letting them and everyone else down and myself
I’ve a lovey family and my poor little dad who’s 82 and in awlful sadness but tries to hide it for us but makes it worse tbh !!
I’ve got a loving partner but he’s pretty much sick of me lately I can’t get out of bed and can’t leave the house
What for !!!???
I want my mum
It must sound like I’m a stupid baby who needs to grow up but I just can’t !!!
I want to talk to her
I’m pissing sick of everything tbh
It’s all Bollox
What’s the point of even being here
Just waiting to catch something then also die
I’m skint
I’m in shit with my bills
Everything has been left since mum went

And I feel so guilty I can’t get it together
I need to be there for my girls and my little sad dad !!
I’m just in agony
Can’t lie I’m sick of ppl saying keep strong

No I won’t
F off
I’m not strong
I’m literally very sad and weak weak and can’t still believe my mums gone
I hate my life without her here

But I need to fix up
I’ll lose everything and everyone if I do t soon

Does anyone else do this more and I like retarded now and going insane
Coz that’s what i feel like !!
I don’t care about anything
I just want to stay in bed and never get up again