Lost my mum

Hi im new here and just wanted to pist something sadly i find myself on the overwhelming grief, we suddenly and unexpectedly lost my mum on the 17th april 2023 and its shocked us all, this isnt my first experience of grief we lost my younger brother in a car accident at 24 in march 2017 but somehow losing my mum seems so much more intense and overwhelming and suffocating all in one go, its hard to watch my dad and other family members grieve but also having two children 6 and 9 is so hard watching your child grieve for one of their most favorite peoeple is heartbreaking, i know things will get better i know because after 6 years i was coming out the other side of grief but its all the firsts and the overwhelming sense of how life is going to be without her
Sending love to everyone in this journey


Hi Squares84

I am so sorry to hear about your mum and younger brother. Grief can feel overwhelming, especially when you are supporting other family members and don’t always have time to process your own experience.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

Thank you for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care, Rhi

I’m so so sorry for your loss xx
I can’t recommend the Grief Coach service enough. I’ve found the regular texts extremely comforting. I’d also recommend down the line to access some bereavement counselling through Sue Ryder. I’ve found this Charity invaluable xx
So much so I now make a regular donation as my way of saying thank you.
Sending you all my love x

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