Lost my mum

I lost my mum the beginning of December 2023. It was such a shock. She did have a lot of health problems but it was such a random way she died. I feel absolutely heart broken. I don’t have a dad because he walked out on us when I was 5 years old so my mum has been both parents to me. I feel so angry because my so called dad who is an alcoholic nasty man, he gets to live and be happy but my loving caring mother had to go. I thought she had more years in her yet. She has only been a nana for 7 years and she loved it. I feel so angry and deeply saddened at everything. I don’t even know the reason for writing this post but i just feel so broken, I cant work properly, I don’t want to do anything. If it wasn’t for my two girls, I would just stay in bed. I hate getting up in the mornings, have this heavy feeling the minute I wake up. I don’t want to see anyone. I just want to hide away from the world. I am so sad. I’m suffering with chest anxiety at the moment and had to go on Diazepam because i’ve been struggling so much. I’ve now come off them so I probably need to go back to the GP for more help. People say grief gets easier as time goes on but I don’t think i’ll ever recover from this heart ache. I miss her so much. She was only 55, she had so much more to live for! She would have been 56 this weekend. She was too young to go now.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum, @Jennifer8. Your loss is very recent and it’s completely understandable that you’re feeling so heartbroken. It’s normal to feel angry when we lose someone we love - it sounds like your mum’s death was such a shock to you.

I’m giving your thread a gentle bump - I’m sure that someone will be along to offer their support. You are not alone.

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Hello. Im so sorry you have lost your mum , my mum died in June 2021 and it still hurts . Its good you have your two girls . I am alone most of the time so find it difficult to cope . Please go and see your gp again . Thinking of you.
Love Angie x

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Sorry to hear about your news too and you’re on your own. Do get some help too. If you need to chat, I’m here or of course there are many others on here too. Don’t go through this on your own though. Sending hugs x

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So sorry to see this……. Tbh words cannot express can it :pensive::cry:.
I lost my mum last year and Christmas was so obviously like a missing part of a jigsaw.
Just wasn’t the same……. My mum did everything that made Christmas special so I took on her role which upset me so much.
Not hearing her voice or seeing her with routine is just heartbreaking :broken_heart::cry:


I have a brother who checks up on me . I do wish i had someone who was around most of the time, hate living alone. Im here too if you need a chat. Take care.
Love Angie x

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