Lost my mum

Lost my mum December 17th and we finally had her funeral today. The pain and sadness is so hard to cope with. How does this get better? I’ve spent 4 weeks crying and it’s not getting any easier :broken_heart::cry:


So sorry for your loss. Grieving is the final responsibility for our lost loved ones. The pain and sadness will not change much with time but we will grow stronger to be able to live with it. Give yourself time and grace to heal. My heart goes out to you.


Hi @Reddevil86 I feel for you. I lost my mum 4 months ago. To be honest it’s not gotten any easier, in fact in some ways it’s worse as I’ve processed more and it’s really hitting me. Then you go through your firsts, like my first Christmas without her, first new years, first birthday etc. I think grieving isn’t a quick fix and you may be OK and just about breath and even smile one day and the next you’ll fall to pieces again. I think that’s the way it may always be. Hopefully one day we will be able to cope more and enjoy the memories without such raw pain, but it is very early for us both still. It helps to talk to others who understand though, like on here, so you know you’re not alone in how you feel. Take care of yourself and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to feel better right away x


My mum passed away 7weeks ago , it’s been very hard going , new year hasn’t made it easier , harder if anything , but keep strong that’s all we can do day by day , one small step forwards each day if you can , then hopefully somewhere down the road things will get a bit better , best wishes

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