Lost my nephew

I lost my nephew in January. He was more like my son. He got taken by cancer at 26 years old. I’m trying my hardest to move on but feel completely lost even 5 months on

It is very hard to accept the death of cancer to one so young, but sadly this is becoming more and more normal these days. My son was 47 ,died of secondary bone cancer .,Dee within 3 months. He had special needs, but he did not drink,smoke,did not like a lot of red meat.yet they said at the end they think the primary was a small 20mm ulcer in the stomach?
We can only hope they can find why more and more under 50 are getting cancer .I do wonder as my son was on epilepsy tablets for a long time could that be the cause? Try to remember the good times, and I am sure he would like you to take care of yourself​:heart::heart::pray: