Lost my only sister to cancer

I lost my oldest and only sister to cancer of May 2023. She was tough and fought to the end! It has been a very hard and long road. My oldest daughter is very close to her because she didn’t have kids. When she past any, my daughter found on her phone all these things of her husband cheating, listen, and abusing her/ neglecting her. My parents were here in CA to take care of her for 5 months 24/7 while her husband was whoring around in his affair. Her last few weeks at the hospital, he came ONLY 4 times to see her. The last 2 times were her last two days! This guy never worked nor supported my sister. Basically he was only looking for a sugar mama! He couldn’t have kids and never told my sis. She went do IVF, labs etc w/ my mom’s financial assistance and turns out this guy she married for 5 years have weak sperms because he spoked pots since he was 15!
There are more behind closed doors on my sis’s phone.
To make matters worse, my sis said she will pay for the downpmt my parents helped her. He won’t pay my parents back and my parents had to file a lawsuit against my sister’s estate (my sister’s house before she got married).

 Not only did I lost a sister but I am losing my mom!  My mom lost the will the live because she regret "what if, should have, could have!"   My mom reflected when my dad and her were young, they had  worked 24/7 to support us and the the mother in law.  We grew up in poverty and they worked really hard for us to get out of it.

These past few days I am struggling so bad! I know it’s very hard w/out sister. It’s unimaginable to lose a child. I am losing my mom too! My mom has lost her will to live. I try to call her more often but shes in major depression! She’s making my grieving harder than I can take. She won’t seek help nor thinks she has a Problem!
I pray and i don’t find any solace or answer. I don’t see even a sliver of silver lining in my life since my sister left! Instead of getting better, it’s getting worse.
I feel like I am going thru depression.
It’s still so hard to think my sister is gone. It hurts so much! I can’t even look her photos sometimes. I am scared to look at FB sometimes b/c the things she likes or joined popped up. I go into a frantic attack.
I am hoping God will give my family some and some sign my sister is happy and with her.
I also need God to give some justice to my mom. I am so sad and so lonely without my sister!

Hello @sisinheaven,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. It sounds like you’re doing your very best to cope with your own grief as well as your mom’s.

I just wanted to reach out to thank you for sharing so honestly and to let you know there is lots of other support out there. You’ve said you feel you are depressed and I would really encourage you to speak to someone about how you are feeling. The following website might help you find support services closer to home: https://help.befrienders.org/

The community is here for you too - you are not alone.

Take care,