Lost my partner

My partner died in a hospice last week, we were together for 27 years, the last 5 shes was battling ovarian cancer. Even though we knew the end was coming i still feel completely shell shocked , numb , angry, and i cant stop crying, i just see my future as one big empty void, i cant imagine ever finding joy in this world again without her, she was such a kind beautiful soul and i loved her so much and she didnt want to leave me, my emotions are all over the place


I’m so sorry for the loss of your partner, @NikNak2. You are not alone. Many of our members have sadly lost a partner. @mementomori and @Lonelyjohn lost their partners to ovarian cancer and may understand some of what you’re going through.

Your loss is very recent and raw, so I wanted to share these links with you to explore, when you feel ready to.

Our Grief Guide self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief

I hope you find the community to be a good source of support, too.

Take good care and keep reaching out,


I lost my partner Mal to stomach cancer last August and felt and still feel exactly like you. All the friends who kindly rallied around at the time have, not unexpectedly, had for the most part to drop off to look after their own lives. I think the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that he would have wanted me to look after myself and that’s what you need to do too.
I do think it’s a bit harder for us to cope in our community. I haven’t really got any close gay friends and that makes me feel doubly alone. I’m just hoping that like everyone says that it gets easier as time goes by. Hang in there and look after yourself.

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