Lost my son

Hi have not really talked to anyone out of family and friends and i don’t really do that lam supposed to be strong for my family but its so hard …i lost my sone nathan September 18 2022 …my heart is brocken i cant accept it im trying to be strong he was 31 and the most adorable son … i just make myself think he will just come home but he doesn’t


You are not alone, I lost my son in March 2023, and I’m still coming to terms with it all. The pain is excruciating but I am gradually trying to move forward. This site is a life line where we can all read and fully understand what we are going through. Other people just don’t have a clue how hard it is to get through some days x

I dont think i can even think about coming to terms i keep thanking he is going to come back like he is just away for a while i know i need to accept it im so sorry for your loss x

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I know that feeling so well, thinking they are away and will come back. I still can’t get my head round it I will never see my son again, just memories is all we have. I find writing my daily journal really helps me. X

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Hello Tee17570,
I too lost my Son at the age of 31 years on the 1st November 2022 and like you I sometimes allow myself to believe that he is just away for a while and will be home again soon.
I know that it’s not true but if the pain is too hard it’s my way of getting through that day.
We have to do anything that gives us a little rest bite even though the realisation is sometimes even worse.
You are not alone and I share your pain.
Take care of yourself,
Jayne x

I lost my daughter in November, she had just turned 16. X

@Cooks1976 I am so sorry you have lost your daughter, it’s an awful pain when you lose a child. My son passed Jan 23 and I still cry most days, I miss his funny messages and his optimism. We should go first, not our children, it just feels wrong they’re not there anymore. My heart goes out to you x

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Thank you. I feel lost, i dont want to talk to family or my partner at all because i dont want to feel their pain, i have too much of my own. My partner tries to speak to me but i dobt want to hear. I ha ent been the cemetry since the funeral, he goes nearly every day. I am completely heartbroken and genuinly dont feel i can cope with it. I get up in the morning and forget avout it for a vit and then it comes and gits you lije a brick and i remember the enormity of it. How do i go on? How do i live with this? I genyinly dont know how its possible.

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I get it, daily I am literally punched in the gut by the fact he’s not here anymore. I don’t talk to my husband about it as much as I should as he wasn’t Thomas’s dad and he can’t know how awful it feels to lose your child. The saying that I’ve been getting lately is ‘he was living day to day with his medical issues so he was blessed to have 35 years’. How ridiculous is that? I know he had so many problems but he always came through and it wasn’t even one of his issues that took him! It was catching MRSA and pneumonia in the damn hospital that had just spent 14 hours fixing his heart again. I know my son was a blessing, all my boys are but don’t tell me I was lucky that he only had 35 years. Sorry I’m feeling really angry today and it’s strange, I’ve not been angry so far, I’m usually crying. I don’t talk to my boys too much about my pain as I feel they have their own pain to deal with and I don’t want to lump my pain on top of theirs. Your partner deals with it a different way, we all do, there’s no correct or easy route through this pain. I have joined a face to face bereavement group and it has helped to talk with others who know the pain of grieving a loved one. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, hour by hour and you will get through it xx


I hope so xxx

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I lost my son in September the 1st 2023 to cancer. I am reading all these posts this is the first time I have tried to speak about this. The loss is massive I’ve never felt heartache like it. He was the most beautiful boy only 34 years of age and left a little girl who is the most adorable little gift he left us a part of him but my heart breaks thinking of her never getting to know the beautiful person he was and never see her growing up. I can’t deal with the pain of how much I miss him. Life is never going to be the same how do you cope with this loss?

I am so very sorry for you :cry: no one can tell you time heals all wounds :broken_heart: but as long as you have the love of your son in your heart :heart: you will be okay you will grieve everyday but you have to think of what he left for you :heart: im sorry im not much help

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Life will never be the same again :broken_heart: you have to learn to be a different person now not who you was but who you are niw x

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