Lost my son

I have just found this forum. 18 days ago
precious 20 year old son chose to end his life at his student house. He was a student at Aberystwyth University and was doing well. No one had any idea anything was wrong. He is my only child, my best friend and the centre of my universe. I dont know what to do. I feel like my world has come to an end. How do I go on. I just see a way forward into a world where he no longer exists.

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Dawn, I am so sorry for the loss of your son, my heart goes out to you. I lost my son in March 2023 , my only child, slightly different circumstances. I know and so many of us do fully understand the pain and how you are feeling. You have reached out to a wonderful forum which I hope can help. All I can say is minute by minute, hour by hour, just do what you can even if it’s something as simple as cleaning your teeth. I have been there and everything feels so hard to try and do. Most of all try to eat little meals, and be kind to yourself. Take care xx

Thank you for your reply. The pain is crushing me right now. How do I go in?

The pain is crushing, brain like fog, not been able to do simple tasks and so many questions, what if, why. All I will say is do what you feel you can, even if it’s nothing. Most of all be kind to yourself. I/we all understand what you are going through and will go through. Take care xx

I know your pain. I feel it everyday also. We are not alone. Unfortunately, there is so many more people suffering out there too. This forum is a good place to talk, share & hopefully heal. Of course, our lives will never be the same, but accepting support is a good step in the right direction. Hugs!

@DawnA hello, I’m so sorry for your loss. Like Mjg says take it minute by minute. It’s almost 3 years since I lost my son, this platform has helped me so much. You are not alone, we understand unfortunately.
I don’t know how we get through, but talking to other parents who’ve lost really helps, they are truly the only ones who understand x

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I lost my son suddenly last August and today is my first birthday without him. Feel so devastated all the time but worse today. Can’t understand how this has all happened to such a loved son.

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Jas1. I find every first is very difficult and normally the few days prior are the worst. I’ve done all the firsts having lost my son March 2023. It still doesn’t seem real. I write my daily journal every day as it makes me feel I am writing to him. I hope today you manage to find some peace.

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Thanks MJG- I also write in my journal and tell Steffan about my day and what’s happening in the family and what his sister Jess is up to even though they didn’t always get along!