Lost my Son

My Son was killed in an accident back in January. It was so sudden and unexpected that my brain is unable to comprehend that I can’t see him anymore. He was just a few months past his 18th birthday and had so much to look forward to in life. How can I accept that he’s gone?



I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, I’m devastated for you :broken_heart:

I’m not sure how you will accept this, but with time you will learn how to cope. Maybe if you believe in mediums you could see if they could contact your son, to help you see if he is ok? I did this when my partner died and it brought me great comfort.

I hope you have friends and family to support you.

I hope someone else comes along with better advice for you.

Sending you love and hugs :hugs:

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I’ve booked to see a medium in August. Desperate to hear from him. Just need to know he is okay and knows how much we love and miss him

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Hopefully it’ll bring you comfort :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m sure he will be ok and he will definitely know how much you loved him xx

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Becca im so sorry for your loss .you cant begin to believe he’s gone such early days this site has helped me so much i lost my son he was 25 its so wrong our babies are not ment to go before us .i lost sam 2021
Its a rollercoaster ride .right now your bravegetting up .take a moment at a time theres no rules big hugs love zoe xx

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I’m so sorry for your loss, none of us ever expected to lose a child. I think you just have to accept there are days when you literally don’t want to carry on and other days where you see some happiness in the day, I watched a video today of my daughter dancing, she looked so happy and vibrant , it made me smile. I was told grief is like love but it has nowhere to go, the love is poured into your child , the grief pours into you , keep posting, there’s no solution but I find it helps to write it out sometimes