Lost my soulmate

I have been with my love last 11 years. He was healthy. He suddenly had a heart attack Friday the 22nd of May 2020 and after 4 days we lost him. We have a child. We are all devastated as he was only 39 years old. Do not know what to do as emotionally I can not cope

Hi sorry for your sudden loss it’s completely devastating. Like you my husband 42 died suddenly on 10th May. No one expected this. Our lives have cruelly ripped apart.
Keep posting on here as everyone does understand xx

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I am really sorry for your loss. At the moment I can not think I do not want to do anything. I am from Turkey and my husband is English. How can I make decision for our 7 old boy which country is better for us to live. My husband and I worked together we have a company and now trying to run this company on my own as he was the key worker.

We always wanted the best education for our son. I do not know what to do.
And plus my husband has an autopsy as he did not have heart problem before so what caused all stressed if it is genetic as we have a son, three his brothers and their kids.
I do not want to talk to anyone as noone can understand me. I am in unbearable pain as we were a happy great family

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Hi as you say it feels like no one else understands what you are going through, that’s why this support group is helpful everyone understands.
It’s just so horrible when your happy family is suddenly broken apart. All sorts of emotions go through your mind . I keep questioning why Mark ? I don’t know if I will ever accept why him and why did this happen to him. I also have children 2 daughters 14 & 22 . They bring great comfort to me and we are all supporting each other but everyday is so hard to get through. Thinking of you xx

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When I question why Andy? Some people say donot say it there are people worse so I stopped as I feel I am so unlucky and cursed? If anything happens worse than this.

I am so grateful having my son keep praying he will be living long and healthy

One if my friend says I am grieving so normal saying these thoughts but I am always scared

All these thoughts are very normal it is such early days. I feel the same way. Just trying to get through one day at a time.
What we are going through is so personal to us individually we all grieve in our own way.
Know that you are not alone right now xx

Many thanks Jools1. I am trying get through one day at a time xx

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Dear Nuran,
I do feel for you, it is a tragedy when he was so young, in fact it is a tragedy when anyone of us lose our beloved spouses. It is so heartbreaking, I had 59 years with my husband, 62 in total, I would imagine that you didn’t have anything like of that time with your’s.
Take good care of yourself,
Stay safe,

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Our plan was getting old together and I am heartbroken it did not happen. We had many plans such as going to America, having a boat , living in Turkey, seeing our child going to the college etc. And he promised me he will never leave any of us. He could not keep his promise as it was out of his control.
I am just thinking I had a dream he was in my dreams. I had an angel in my life about 11 years.
I have not seen anyone or met like him kind, thoughtful and had the best heart.
He was the best husband and dad. He adored our son. He was always teaching him.
I am just so heartbroken and missing him so much. None of use deserved this. Bye my positive husband, my love…
I fell in love with your character…looking forward to see you again