Lost my two dogs

Hi I joined this site late at night… as night is worse for me… I lost my two elderly dogs 6 months ago and I still struggling… I reach out to friends and family and they tell me I need to move on now and let them go… I have one reminding dog who loved them dearly and it’s me and her going through the grieving… my main feeling is guilt … I am a nurse and have to work a lot her last day she spent with my son. I couldn’t just leave my work and everyone was telling me she is fine despite my son kept messaging me, he doesn’t know why… when I got home she was distressed holding her head in funny way but still managed to wag her tail… her ears were back and she was sad… i took her to vet emergency and she detoriated in the vets and I had to have her out to sleep… the second dog was her life long companion older within 4 days he passed away… leading up to their departures I was in new relationship and spent lot of time with this man now I feel so guilty and serves me right… she was my baby and I had her for 17 years and other one our solider 21… I’m lost can anyone help me x

Hello @Jayniea, thank you for reaching out. I am sorry for the loss of your dogs. Losing two of your beloved friends so close to each other, it is understandable that you are struggling. Guilt is a common emotion to experience after any type of loss and you are not alone.

You might wish to get in touch with Blue Cross. They have trained counsellors who can talk you through your loss. You can speak to them on the phone or online. Their helpline is 0800 096 6606 and is open from 8.30am - 8.30pm every day.

They also have a Facebook community which you may wish to join. You can find out more about the support they offer here: Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service | Pet Loss

Take good care,

Hi Jayniea
I have only just come across your post so sorry for the delay.
I’m afraid that only those people that understand just how precious a dogs love can be will understand your loss. How many people say ‘It’s only a dog’ but a dogs love is so unconditional and so very very special. They are a true blessing to us and we sometimes grieve more for our beloved four legged companions than we do for a human.
After losing my husband my dogs became very special to me as I needed them and I dread the day I might have to say goodbye to them. I will be broken all over again as it is their love that has helped to repair me.
Guilt and feeling lost is all part of grief and I doubt that anyone can really help you. Like any grief we have to learn to cope with it and slowly we can remember with happiness and all the precious moments we shared.