Lost my wife of 34 years at 54

Just putting this to try and make it feel real. I lost my wife of 34 years on 13th December 2023. She would have been 55 on Christmas day. We had 20 days from diagnosis to her passing in a Sue Ryder bed. We met at 18 married at 20. I’m lost i only get up in the morning because I have to. I feel robbed and that my wife was robbed is not in doubt, she’s only seen the first grandchild to age 4 and the second she never got to meet due in March


I’m with you
My wife died last November
I don’t sleep well. Home is silent. Mind working overtime
But I hear you and feel for you too.


I know and feel your pain i lost my wife of 30 years on the 18th of November 2023. I feel the same, lost and yes robbed. Iam here if you want to chat about anything . I dont sleep either.


DakarusI really feel for you. My wife went on,Friday suddenly.Sleep is so something dreaded .Shes in every part of the house Have to slow the mind I’m feeling for you.Les49


Also in very similar situation - lost my beautiful wife of 31 years last July. She was 54 and fought secondary breast cancer very bravely for 18 months. It is horrendous, no other way to describe it.
Happy to talk (and listen) on the forum.


We are all here to listen to anything and everything you need / want to talk about. We are all in this together.