Lost my Wife to Cancer 6 days ago. Devastated beyond belief.

@VillaBoy22 . I’m so sorry to hear that your daughter has lost her baby. I don’t know any words that can help but I am thinking of you and your family and just hoping that somehow you are able to get through this even though it’s so hard :pensive:

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So very very sorry that your daughter lost her baby. Its devasdating for her and you. Hope you get all the help you can to help you through this, although the pain will always be there. You are both in my thoughts at this dreadful time. Love to you both. Debbie xx

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lost my husband after months of hospital visits and always hoping things would improve. however he went into Hospital with a water infection on top of his cancer and spent a month in there and then on to a nursing home for a month where he died. we had just had our 63rd wedding anniversary and I am totally heartbroken. To face the future alone is so horrid and lonely. My thoughts are with all of you who are suffering too.


My thoughts are with you too. Im finding it very hard on my own. Married for 54 years and felt safe and secure. But now i feel lost and alone and dont know how to cope with life anymore. Tony was ill on and off for 6 years with blood cancers and always hoped he would get better. Take care sending you hugs which i need too

Thank you. It’s heartbreaking & so difficult but we’re trying. xx :heart:

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words. It’s been a truly devastating couple of months xx
Love to you also xx :heart::broken_heart:

my husband started with blood cancer which was cured by chemotherapy but after 3 years it came back in his prostate and spread to his bones. We seemed to spend all our time visiting hospital but the last two months he was in hospital and never came home. like you I always thought he would get better and never thought he would die as I just couldn’t contemplate living without him. But it is now a fact and I feel totally lost and alone every day
keep hoping it will get better
take care .

Once it has spread to bone it is hard to cure. We need more and more funding for research and more research into metastasis ,I think as more and more people go into remission from primary. More will die from metastasis. I wrote to my Mp asking for more funding and research. My sons cancer went straight to bone ,they could not find primary, He died within 3months, it went into bone marrow

thank you for your reply and I am so sorry about your son it is such a hopeless situation when no progress is made just watching our loved ones getting worse. Then when we lose them we keep on remembering the sadness and the end. I try to look at his photo and think about the happy times but then i feel desolate to know we will never have any more . Take care of yourself

Hi I feel your pain my friend . I lost my wife in 2021 a week before christmas . The worst 2 years of my life . But you will have good days along with the bad . You where lucky to have a good one like me . So remember the life spent together !! I wish strength and all the best

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From an Arsenal supporter living in Birmingham, so sorry for your loss. I lost my partner of 30yrs in March (he too was a Villa supporter), he just died suddenly, no warning, no symptoms, fit, slim, didn’t smoke or drink, of a massive heart attack. It takes time for your head and heart to even process what happened. It’s so soon for you as you will be numb with the shock and also everything you have held in whilst your wife was fighting her battle will now coming flooding out. The only way to get through these early days is literally to take everything hour by hour, day by day. It’s heartbreaking, incredibly lonely, no matter how many people you have around you but as time goes by it does get more bearable as you adjust to this new life and new you that has been thrust upon you. Go with the flow of your emotions as they hit you, they will be a mixed bag of everything coming at you in waves. What you resist will persist so don’t fight how you feel. You are in good company as we all know what you are going through


I feel your pain . I lost my darling wife of 46years to cancer . And as you are finding no one has the words . They cannot begin to know where you are . I lost my girl a week before Christmas so this is a bad time for me . But you will have better days my friend although you may not think at the moment that will never happen . But be strong and think of the time you had together as no one can take them from you . I wish you peace !!

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Thank you for your beautiful message.
I am so Sorry for the shock loss of your Husband, in some ways i believe that must be harder as it was unexpected.
Yes i am i going through the full range of emotions on a daily basis, anger, heartbreak, loneliness, i have also held a lot in with regards to the way my Wife’s family treated her in the weeks before she passed away, both of her parents & her two brothers never visited her when she was in Hospital until my Son paid them a visit & literally guilted them into going to see her & even then they could only manage half an hour, that amongst other things they did has left me with an inner rage that will not subside.
The Funeral was at the end of November & i have heard not a word from any them since that day save for her Dad asking my Daughter if I’d had Anna’s ashes back yet. When she enquired why he’d asked he said he would like to have some of her ashes to get an item of jewellery made for her Mom. He’s made no attempt to ask me about it yet but rest assured i will be telling him & her Mom to quietly go F@#K themselves. How dare they ? after the way they treated her towards the end, not a prayer. Both of my children were quite close to them going back but now they are keeping them at arms length also following their behaviour, the same goes for her brothers, at a time when she needed her family the most they weren’t there for her, none of them. So aside from the normal grieving process to be dealing with i have background stuff making it all the more difficult to handle. I am taking everything as you say hour by hour, day by day, i don’t expect things to get any easier anytime soon, but I’m doing the best i can in very difficult circumstances.
Love & Hugs to you :heart:


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Hi Derek
I have gone through very similar so understand what you are experiencing. People never cease to amaze me in how cold and uncaring they can be, especially family. Your focus now though has to be on yourself and your kids. Her family had the opportunity to show their love and support and failed to do so, walk away from them and turn that anger into the love you have for your wife. Don’t allow them to taint the end of your wife’s life. Hold the loving memories of her life with you and your kids as that is all that matters. Big hugs Lyn

I’m now 5 months into my grief journey after losing my beautiful Wife of 31 years Anna to Cancer at the beginning of November last year. I have been dealing with a quite complicated grief process as a result of how my Wife’s Parents & two brothers had treated her during the last couple of months of her life that i have documented in previous posts, basically they abandoned her & took the decision not to visit her in Hospital for 5 weeks when she was at her lowest ebb & needed them the most. I was left feeling such intense anger towards them as a result of their behaviour & have been attending counselling sessions to try to help relieve some of this anger. Anna sat me down & made me promise not to kick off at them on this issue & although every fibre of my being wanted to i didn’t as i didn’t want to break the promise i had made to her.
I haven’t seen, spoken or heard from any of her family since the day of the Funeral at the end of November last year & they live less than a hundred yards away from me, i can’t say I’m disappointed in that fact being honest as it prevents me from telling them what i really think of them.
Fast forward to now & things haven’t really improved for me on a grief basis, i still have more bad days than good, i never considered how much the loneliness would affect me. I go to work which serves as a distraction for a while but then once I’m home for the day I’m back feeling like there’s a big black cloud over me that i can’t escape.
I have little in the way of close friends anymore as we lost touch over the years & any that were in touch around the time of my Anna’s passing have now gone back to their own lives.
I visit my Son, Daughter & Grandchildren at weekends when their work schedule allows but other than that I’m on my own most of the time.
I know that 5 months is still relatively early on in the grief process & can’t expect things to have changed too much but even the smallest relief from the darkness hanging over me would be a welcome change.


I had to let you know this, I am a huge Arsenal fan and live in Birmingham (don’t ask, long story lol) but just wanted to say hopefully our love of football can help lighten the load. My husband was a Villa fan and so is my best friend who goes to every game including the European ones (conference league), she never misses a game and when my husband died I lost my passion for footy, it reminded me of all the banter we had but I have revived that passion and it has bought some very happy memories and keeps the tradition between us alive