Lost ny dad, mum, aunty and brother in the last 3 years, str

Im really struggling, trying to be strong and carry on as normal but i cant do it!


Hello @Ljfrost007,

I’m so sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. It’s completely understandable, when you have experienced so much loss.

I can see you’re new to the community, so I just wanted to say that I hope you find it to be a support to you. You might already be familiar with our other Online Bereavement Support services, but if not, you can find out more about our Online Counselling service, our Grief Coach text support service, and our Grief Guide self-help tools by visiting the link.

Take good care, and keep reaching out.


I’m so sorry for you losses of beloved ones. I can understand how you feel, I lost my Mum Oct 2020, Dad Dec 2021 and my son aged 35 in March 2023. The pain you feel is so immense and you wonder how to get through it, you do somehow amongst the brain fog. I thought the loss of my parents was hard but to the loss of my son there is no comparison. Little steps is all I can suggest x

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I am so sorry for your losses. I too am really struggling. I have had 3 big losses in the last year and the pain is so overwhelming. Here if you want to talk, please know you arent alone in your pain and suffering :frowning:

Hi there, I am so sorry to hear this. I lost my Dad just under a year ago, my grandmother shortly after (related to his loss) and then my poor stepdad on Sunday from a sudden and unexpected cardiac event. The pain is so overwhelming, isolating and feels so unfair. Thinking of you and your loss. Here if you need to talk.