Lost our Daughter

We lost our beautiful daughter on the 21/01/2020 she was such a beautiful daughter inside and out and we miss her so much. She was 29 years old and would of been 30 in November. The worst thing about losing Claire is seeing my husband in so much pain and seeing how much her death has affected him. I am struggling also but trying to be strong for the both of us. Claire has fallen hit her head and went into a coma and died, so her death was so unexpected. I miss my girl so much and really hope she’s with all her grandparents who have passed. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child it’s the worst thing to happen to any parent .

Dear Claire’s mum, I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely daughter. It must be so difficult for you and your husband, so unexpected, the rest of your lives changed in a moment. You are doing an incredible job helping your husband, you should be so proud of yourself, but please look after yourself too, and seek all the help you can. At this forum you will find many people who have sadly gone through what you have, and hopefully by talking to them you will feel a bit better.

Thank you so much Abdulllah.

I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beloved daughter. The pain is unbearable, I know. The days just get longer & harder. We lost our beloved son on 21st June suddenly, I found him unresponsive in his bed. My husband and our other son soon followed & we desperately tried to wake him but deep down we knew he had gone. The flashbacks & traumas of everything that day, visiting him in the chapel of rest, the funeral are so raw. He was 22 years old nearly 23.
My heart goes out to you & your husband. Do you have other children? We try desperately to be strong for each other but it’s not always possible. My heart aches for my other son who has lost his brother who was also his best friend.
Sending love and strength to you & everyone xx

Hi Rach we have a son who is 28 in October. I understand your trauma as I worked on Claire for 12 minutes before the Ambulance team got to her flat . I am so sorry for the loss of your son and I wouldn’t wish the pain we are suffering on anyone.

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Thank you Claire for your kind words. How is your son coping? We are struggling to support our son as he now doesn’t want to talk about it, or acknowledge his loss & sadness, he shuts himself away on computer games but does spend the evening with me & his dad as I think he has that need to be close with us for a few hours. He’s 26. I think it’s only been 3 months & maybe he needs to try & process it privately and in his own time. We always tell him we’re always here to talk so hopefully he will eventually or perhaps some counselling.
Have you, Claire’s dad or brother had any counselling? Again I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Claire. Sending love and strength xx