Lost parents

Loss both of my parents, struggling to come to terms with this. Due to I have no siblings or partner.


Hello @Sue76,

I’m part of the Online Community team and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you are feeling. I’m so sorry to hear about your parents. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that might be helpful.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,

Hi Sue

I am so deeply sorry for your loss

I can completely understand how you are feeling right now. I lost both of my parents at the end of last year, my Dad passed away first and then my Mum 3 weeks later.

I still feel like I’m in some sort of nightmare bubble most days. It’s been such an awful shock and I’m in denial sometimes and cannot process it. Some days I think I’m ok and then something will trigger me off and I’m in floods of tears. We all grieve differently and there is no right or wrong way to feel or deal with it.
I am an only child and it is huge to have to deal with things on your own. Thankfully I have had the most wonderful support from my partner and a close family friend. Is there anyone you can lean on or reach out for some much needed support?

I’m sending you the biggest hugs and my thoughts and heart go out to you xx

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Hi Pie
Thank you for your message.
My family is very small and have no parent now. Friend is trying to help. But I feel lonely. I have spoken to counsellors put I have not found the right one for me.[
Hi Sue

I am so deeply sorry for your loss

I can completely understand how you are feeling right now. I lost both of my parents at the end of last year, my Dad passed away first and then my Mum 3 weeks later.

I still feel like I’m in some sort of nightmare bubble most days. It’s been such an awful shock and I’m in denial sometimes and cannot process it. Some days I think I’m ok and then something will trigger me off and I’m in floods of tears. We all grieve differently and there is no right or wrong way to feel or deal with it.
I am an only child and it is huge to have to deal with things on your own. Thankfully I have had the most wonderful support from my partner and a close family friend. Is there anyone you can lean on or reach out for some much needed support?

I’m sending you the biggest hugs and my thoughts and heart go out to you xx

Hi Sue,

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s horrendous losing both parents. Mum my passed 9 weeks ago amd dad died suddenly yesterday. No resl ill and no warning.

They were both my world and I have no idea how to survive this.

Sending you love and wishes. Reach out if you want to talk. X

I am sorry to hear for your loss.
I would like to talk to you.

Hi RobBeat08
I am very sorry for your loss.
I hope we can talk?

I’m so sorry to hear this Sue! My dad passed away at the age of 39 and it was very sudden! and I lost my grandad about a year a go to! that was such a blur! however much friends want to help you, I think if they havent experienced it themselves its hard for yourself and them to help. they dont want to say the wrong thing to upset you and then they dont know whats the right thing to do either! I hope that helps. I’ve just come to the realisation about seeing counsellors, but I have been very hesitant about it! but I now know that that may be my best option, how do you go about that? but I can so relate to feeling lonely right now, but know that you are not alone!!

Hi Michaela98
I am so sorry for your loss. I have tried different counselling but, not found the right one. The loneliness is very hard. Especially when you’re only child, with a small family and where I live.
Counselling is very hard to find the right one and to expensive.

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yeah but you just have to rely on what you have and lean on people that you love the most to help and guide you if youd want them to!

Thank you for replying. That would be lovely to talk. I’m so heartbroken as I’m sure you are. Take care. X

I have you got a partner to talk to?
Any friends to help?

I have a partner and a good friend. But finding it hard to open up. Hubby hasn’t lost a parent so has no idea.

My main source of support was always dad.

Hi Sue,

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve just lost both my parents. My dad just on Friday. Its a nightmare - no words can describe the feeling.

Sending you much love. Keep posting as I find it is helping to share with others who understand grief.

Rob x

Good afternoon,
I just wondering when someone might contact me?

Hello @Sue76, I’m just going to send you a private message.