Lost Sister

Its been a year since i lost my sister on the 4th of march she took her own life she was 75 would have been 76 on the 16th of april i miss her so much like there is partcof me missing i try talking to her every day . I knew that she tried to end her life twice before but i got there just in time but this time i was to late as i found her dead haunts me every day so the anniversary of her death is coming up and i dont know what or how i am gonna deal with it .

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Hi @Sue51, thank you for bravely reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. Losing a sibling can be so hard when so many memories of our lives are entwined with theirs.

You’ve mentioned that you don’t know how to deal with her upcoming anniversary. We have just written a support page on how to cope with death anniversaries which you might find helpful to read. Please do reach out for support here too - you are not alone.

Take care