lost the home i shared with my soulmate for 20 years

I was forced to leave the home I shared for 20 years with my lover,best friend soulmate Jayne.Jaynes mum as been no support at all,she is a calculating nasty specimen along with her youngest son Chris,both been evil beyond words.Had this nasty piece of work tell me id upset the parents, because of my posts in the local paper stating I was missing the love of my life.not sure how me showing love for Jayne hurts them.because the parents have shown very little if any love for their daughter,nothing they put in the paper after the funeral showed any love for a Jayne.ive now been at my mums for 6 weeks and luckily ive had my offer for a bungalow accepted and my goal is to move in and surround my self with the love of my lifes memories ie pictures etc.this is going by our home,were I can do as I like without having Jaynes evil family having any input on my life.i cannot ever forgive them for the actions they have do or the lack of love they showed Jayne.they are dead in my eyes, I will ignore them totally if I ever have the misfortune to see them in the street.im missing Jayne as much as ever and my only longing is to eventually be with Jayne again.

i hope and pray im with Jayne soon,as my life had already ended on the 10th of feb,without Jayne to share every aspect of my life,theres no point being here.

It sounds so awful what is happening to you !
The grief , the loss plus all these unkindness and hurtful attitudes!
I am so very sorry
Sadie x

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thank you Sadie,im not coping to well and missing Jayne like crazy,ive been to the bungalow today and put a few pictures of Jayne on the walls and on the fire surround.i cannot move in yet as I need get a fridge,washing machine and arrange get my things out of storage.hopefully this all will happen in the next week or 2.and I dreading how im going feel in this new home.without my soulmate with me.yes im going surround myself with memories of Jayne and she will always be alive in my heart and soul,as Jayne was my whole world.we loved each other warts and all.like lots of people on here its very nice when some body reaches out and offers words of comfort.
kind regards
ian x

Hi Ian - the whole grieving process is such a challenge .
I am sure your Jayne would want you to settle well in your new place. A friend of mine gave me a very wise advice - she said that as we need time and strength to live without our loved ones, they also need time and strength to get used being a soul withstand body. She told me to talk to Jack and tell him I was ok, I missed him, I was sad but from here I would support him and from where he was he would support me. And that our separation was just physical because we were United by love and love doesn’t die, it is eternal

Hope your Sunday is ok
Sadie xx

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thank you again,Sadie.
lovely thoughts,and I do believe Jayne is having a big influence on my reactions to how Jaynes parents and family have treated me.my usual response to being treated like they’ve treated me ,would be to hit out and ignore any consequences.but with Jaynes calming and caring nature ive just taken the knocks and taken there nastiness on the chin.i talk to Jayne every day,loads and loads of times,telling her I love more than I could ever love anyone.and that she means the world to me and I long to be with her.it would be nice to have friends who could totally understand what im going through,at present I started driving lessons,not with any real aim pass my test,but as a distraction and focus my mind on other things for an hour,as its turned out my instructor is a friend ive known for over 20 years.each lesson im talking constantly about Jayne and how much im missing her,because I love her so much.my friend is a great listener and dosent do as some and judge me and try get me think what would Jayne want ,like to move on and find some one else.i despise those who try drill into your head that,thats what Jayne would want.any way its been great having James to listen as I drive.i know that Jayne will be in my heart mind and soul until I leave this mortal coil and hopefully be reunited with Jayne when that happens.
Ian xx