Lost without her

My partner of 14 years passed away on the 24th of July 2021 we have been to my daughter’s wedding on the island of Santorini we got back to the hotel and we were walking through the lobby talking and she suddenly collapsed we called an ambulance took her to hospital and then she was airlifted to Greece where’s I had her on life support after 5-days they told me but she had no chance of Recovery so I had to make the decision to turn the life support machine off those 5 days for absolute hell for me and I never really got the chance to say goodbye to her it took another 14 days to fly her home and then almost 2 months because of an autopsy before we could lay her to rest there’s not a single day hour minute I don’t think of her I miss her so much I just can’t see a future now I don’t know what to do without her


Hello Russell
I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my husband suddenly in August last year, it is so hard to see beyond the day you’re in and I’ve learnt to take it one day at a time, some days, 1 hour at a time. My children are what keep me going and I’m sure your daughter needs her Dad, and you keep your partner alive in your heart and memories. Do you have support around you, had you thought of counselling? I found it very helpful to speak to someone not directly involved, and to get the darker thoughts out, I also keep a diary that I write in each night, it is a way to tell my husband about my day, even though I talk to him often. This community helps massively too, being able to talk to people who understand how we feel is so important. Take care and keep posting x

Hi Russell.
What an absolute nightmare for you after seeing your daughter married and then your partner passing.
Holidays always bring such beautiful memories to me because they are the happiest times to remember. You have suffered so much though and my heart goes out to you.
Just take it a day at a time. Grieve in your own time and keep in touch with everyone on here. We know your pain and believe me we feel it.
Thinking of you.

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